7 Warnings in the Bible People Don't Take Seriously Enough
Seven Warnings in the Bible About the End Times You're probably familiar with the seven warnings in the Bible. But did you know that you can read seven warnings in the Bible about the end times? Each of the verses in the Bible is going to tell you something different, but all of them are telling you the same thing. And when they say the end is nigh, you better pay attention because the warning about the end times is coming right at you. According to the book of Daniel, when the Son of Man comes he will cast seven devils out of every gate, which is the eighth gate, and they will drive the false prophet out of Jerusalem. The seventh one is like a shooting star that will fly away into heaven. So this is another warning in the Bible about the end times. It also warns us about the false prophet, which is going to show up and start taunting God's people with false teachings. There are also other Christian books about end times you can read to learn more about it. According...