7 Cautionary Warnings Regarding Last Days From the Bible
7 Warning Signs Regarding Last Days in the Bible
There are seven warning signs regarding the last days in the Bible that we should be aware of. They may sound unbelievable to us now, but it's good to be alert for any of these and we are going to look at each one of them one by one in this article.
The first of these seven warning signs is to beware of false prophets who would give you a false counsel. This warning comes from Joel 3:16, where Joel warns the Israelites not to trust prophets who tell them they will be taken up into the heavens or that the world is going to end soon. You can't make stuff up and if you do, you are looking at a false prophet.
The second of these seven warning signs is the tribulation. This is the time of the Second Coming when God will be pleased to gather His people together and deal with them on their problems. For those who believe, there is hope that Jesus will return and rule over His people, just as He did over Egypt and Babylon. For those who don't believe, this period of time is terrible and you will be very busy.
To know more about the return of Jesus Christ and end times of this world, you can read books about end times to know more about the signs, predictions, oaths, and the talks God had with his people.
The third of these seven warning signs is the seven sowing failures. This comes from Daniel 11:37, where it says that the sowing failures are the first fowl that the Lord puts into the earth. We know that the Bible isn't a literal book, but the sowing failures are fowl that he creates to determine how many people will be in the ark and the animals that are saved through Noah. These fowl are responsible for the first mover and first eater. The Bible doesn't say that these fowl will be the first wave of birds, but we know that Noah is the first wave.
The fourth of these seven warning signs is famine and pestilence. It's not quite famine because they live in many areas around the world at the same time, but it is bad because the Romans may attack, and God tells His people to keep away from Jerusalem. He will build them a city where they will stay and settle down there and this is what happens.
The fifth of these seven warning signs is betrayal. It isn't an everyday occurrence that your husband will abandon you or that your children will get in trouble. But, that's the nature of God. He doesn't mess around when He does things like this. He leaves a trail of blood on the ground when He does something like this.
The sixth of these seven warning signs is a hostile nation, one that will try to destroy your life. It means that you have to be alert for danger and it also means that your life may not be secure. The seventh and final warning sign is the fourth and last promise that God made to Abraham.
He promised him that He would be with his father and that God would be his God. That's why Abraham took Sarah, his wife, into his home. Now Abraham and Sarah are both in heaven. God gave these seven warning signs to warn people of the last days, and they must be read and understood.